In 2004 the stud was established by Thomas Youlden in the Yarra Valley, Victoria. Valley Boers produces stud and commercial goats that are supplied across Australia and overseas.
In 2012 Valley Boers moved to Central West New South Wales where the herd was expanded to 250 stud breeding does. During this time the partnership with Youlden Valley was formed where the new stud introduced different Standard Boer goat genetic lines, Colour Boer goats (i.e. red and blacks), Dorpers and White Dorpers.
The ongoing success of these ventures has resulted in the farm expanding to over 700 acres and our main operation being located at Tomingley near Dubbo, New South Wales. The environmental conditions of this location compliments the studs ongoing focus on producing resilient livestock with the ability to thrive in a range of diverse conditions.
Commercially Aligned, Industry Relevant
Commercially Aligned, Industry Relevant 〰️
Let’s Take The Industry Forward
The recent expansion of the goat industry within Australia has been exciting as we see many commercial and stud producers entering the market. This exponential growth has also resulted in “significant gaps” in the level of expertise of agents and stud breeders and this has been reflected in the inconsistency in the quality of the animals on offer.
In response to this issue we have established Northern and Southern sales where judges with years of specialised boer goat experience oversee quality control of the animals sold.
These multivendor events aim to take the guesswork out of purchasing goats and offer “ready to work” quality animals from some of the best studs in the country.
Valley Boers recognised earlier on the dangers of producing overweight high maintenance animals that deviated from best practice farming principles (i.e. productivity, sustainability and profitability).
Check out the Industry Page for more educational videos!
This approach not only benefits our customers but also the various key stakeholders throughout the industry. We believe that over the next 20 years there will be a greater emphasis towards adherence to best farming principles, where the balance between stud quality and resilience will be highly valued.
There is opportunity for entrepreneurs with the initiative to see the long term potential of the goat industry within Australia. The industry is still working on having consistency in supply and consistency in the final meat product, but as these issues are resolved we predict that the industry will significantly grow. It’s time to focus on more markets than just overseas export. We don’t see the Australian market as unimportant because it’s only 5% market share, we see that other 95% potential for domestic growth.
Dream in Colour
We have kept breaking National records where in October 2021 Youlden Valley “Brock” and Youlden Valley “Goliath” were the first red and black goats to both be sold for $12,000. Prior to these results Youlden Valley had set a precedent in September 2020 by selling a red buck Youlden Valley “Cobber” for $5000 in Allora Queensland. This was the start of colour animals attracting serious revenue and overall strengthening the sale of goats within Australia.
Stud Principal: Thomas Youlden
Thomas has been breeding boer goats since 2004 and has formerly served as a board member for the Boer Goat Breeders Association of Australia (BGBAA). His appointment to the National board came after having worked as a State Committee board member at the Victorian Branch.
Thomas is also an accredited BGBAA Level 3 judge, which is the highest judging qualifications that can be attained in Australia. He has judged at shows within Australia and overseas.
Thomas has successfully completed a Degree in Agricultural Studies through Melbourne University where he also won the Outstanding Graduate Award for Academic Excellence. Thomas continues to facilitate educational workshops and has a special interest in artificial breeding.
Thomas is available for private consultation, educational workshops, herd assessments and judging. If interested in these services please contact us.
St George Showgrounds Queensland
Monday 19th Feb - Wednesday 21st Feb 2024
Hoof and Hook section - Sponsored by Culberts Meats, with internationally renowned judge Johnny Henderson from South Africa and Co-Judge still TBA. Boer infused and full blood goats milk and two tooth are welcome to enter.
Australian Boer Goat Championship - The first time all associations (BGBAA, BGA & Kalahari) are invited, with internationally renowned judge Johnny Henderson from South Africa and Co-Judge Janelle Stanford
Industry speakers - Dr Gordon Refshauge from the DPI will be discussing the latest goat research and Dr Anne Beasley from the Uni of Queensland will be discussing Parasite Management
Pinnacle Boer Goat Sale Highlights 2022
Stalls & Merchandise - Visit "Boer Goat Central" where you can get Boer Goat information from industry members and other various agricultural stalls
Food Stalls - where you can order goat from the menu!
Livestream interviews & presentations
Pinnacle Boer Goat Auction - Wednesday 21st Feb, 9am inspections: 11am start. The only goat auction in Australia to have quality control using a judges panel to classify all animals for sale.
This industry event brings together key stakeholders from across the Australian agricultural industry to celebrate Boer goats, with a focus on the breeds commercial relevance. This event will also showcase Boer goats to the overseas goat meat and livestock export market.