St George Showgrounds Queensland
Monday 19th Feb - Wednesday 21st Feb 2024
Hoof and Hook section - with internationally renowned judge Johnny Henderson from South Africa and Alice Sewell (Gundare Lane Boers, Augathella). Hook section judged by Hamish Von Pein (Culberts Meats, Dalby). Boer infused and full blood Boer goats milk and two tooth are welcome.
Thank you to our main sponsors Shearwell Australia, Balonne Shire Council and Grassland Goats
Australian Boer Goat Championship - The first time all full blood animals registered with the BGBAA, BGA & Kalahari associations are welcome, with internationally renowned judge Johnny Henderson from South Africa and Janelle Stanford (Hendon Park Boers, Bymount).
Industry speakers - Dr Gordon Refshauge from the DPI will be discussing the latest goat research and Dr Anne Beasley from the Uni of Queensland will be discussing Parasite Management
Stalls & Merchandise - Visit "Boer Goat Central" where you can get Boer Goat information from industry members and other various agricultural stalls
Food Stalls - where you can order goat from the menu!
Livestream interviews & presentations
Pinnacle Boer Goat Auction - Wednesday 21st Feb, 9am inspections: 11am start. The only goat auction in Australia to have quality control using a judges panel to classify all animals for sale.
Pinnacle Sale Highlights Feb 2022
This industry event brings together key stakeholders from across the Australian agricultural industry to celebrate Boer goats, with a focus on the breeds commercial relevance. This event will also showcase Boer infused meat as a premium meat product.